Monday, February 10, 2014

Oi, What a Week!

This week has been absolutely exhausting!  I swear, parenting isn't for wussies, that's for sure!  2 kids had major breakups and the other 2 kids had the flu.  I'm not sure what was worse, to be honest.  Add a snow day and some grade and chore drama while Rich is on the night shift and you've got the perfect recipe for me to loose my shit.  It's times like these that I totally understand why my parents were not into parenting.  I'm not a the responsible parent.  I'm the touchy, feely, let's eat sweets kind of artistic hippy, parent.  I'd have thrown in the towel this week if I weren't so determined not to suck at being a mom.  It's been a real drag.

And, let's not dwell on how long it just took me to figure out how to upload a photo onto the blog with my new iPad.  That would just depress me further.

I finally finished my buttons.  I don't like them at all.  But, they're done.  If you can't quite make them out, the blue one is strawberries, the green one is lilacs and the salmon one is roses.  I just have to come to terms with the fact that I can't paint well and be done with it.  I only put them on the wall because it took me 5 weeks to finish them and I'm stubborn.  The colors don't go well with my curtains or wall color.  I'm trying to get up the courage to tell Rich I want him to paint the walls in my sewing "room", it needs a little redecorating.  10 years is a lifetime for me in paint color terms.  I've had the tiny mirrors for years.  Those, I like...

Rich bought an iPad for me for "Valentine's Day".  Everybody wants to know what I did to get that kind of Valentine's gift.  Let me explain.  My laptop was all but dead and Rich only wants Mac products from now on.  At Christmas, I did the 12 Days of Christmas for him and he really appreciated the attention.  So, he's decided I get a gift every month of the year in 2014.  So far, I'm a big fan.  I don't get to request anything.  It's all going to be stuff he thinks I need, not necessarily what I want.  January was a big, fluffy robe.  I haven't used a robe in 15 years, didn't want a robe but I love my new robe.  Valentine's Day and February got combined with the iPad.  I'm thinking March will be a candy bar or a Mt. Dew.  Either way, I'm loving it.  I'm loving him.  I don't exaggerate when I say that man has kept me from coming apart at the seams for 21 years.

I had to make this pretty cover for it.  My next version is going to have hard sides so that I can use it as a prop stand as well.
Then, I decided to open an Etsy shop to sell my stuff.  Then, I had a craptastic week and am totally rethinking the whole Etsy idea.  I haven't posted anything for sale yet but it's called Heather's Fabric Garden.  My big plan was to eventually have my own online fabric store.  I had big plans.  I did the research to start a real business.  I know, it seemed like such a great idea last week.  Now, I feel like there is no possible way I could keep that kind of commitment going.  So, I continue to ponder.
Then, I started that adorable baby quilt that I showed you last week.  Only to realize that I made 80 of the block components the wrong size.  So, I ripped the tiny 1.5" triangles off the ends (all day), trimmed, re-sewed and cried.  Don't ask me how, but my yellow blocks were the right size but I'd ripped them off without knowing.  Yep, tears.  It was the end of my patience.  I'm only human, man.  And, being stubborn I fought through the tears to finish all my blocks.  They are ready to piece together and add 2 small borders.
I'm approaching my last week of layoff and I didn't get much done that I'd planned.  I had images of my knocking projects out left and right.  I got some done but nothing like I envisioned for myself..  With any luck, my last week will be less stressful.  No more flu, no more breakups, just peace and tranquility.  A girl can dream, right?


Unknown said...

Geez, Heather, you make my week with a headcold (a nose-blowing marathon) sound like a week at the spa!

JD said...

Oy, Heather, that stubbornness must be genetic. I only wish your creativity was! Hang in there--the kids will come through it.

susiefloozie said...

In spite of your craptastic week, I love the progress on your baby quilt!