I finally started Bethany's graduation quilt. It's Angie Padilla's shoe quilt. Bethany wanted hers to be in pastels. This first block was super fun! I changed the yellow shoe's embellishment from some stacked layers of weirdness to a ruffled organza ribbon to turn it into a princess shoe. We're calling the purple shoe the slutty shoe. It's eventually going to have a button of some sort on the ankle. Or, maybe some studs. The shelves are ribbon.
This one is my Round Robin contribution. I need to find a button to add to the basket where the basket and handle hinge together. I have no idea what kind of button. I tried 5 different colors of buttons and none of it was great. The brown flower centers are some weird fabric I was "stretching my comfort zone" with. There's a reason we have comfort zones. We make mistakes when we stray from them. It's hideous but not horrible when cut up. We've got 3 teams of 8 people that will trade a 12.5" block at this next guild meeting. The next person will add the first border. Then, it passes to another person who adds another border. Everyone gets their turn with it until it comes back to me with 7 borders around my little block. I get NO say in what happens to it from here on out. Bethany thought it was funny that I'd allow someone else that much control. I was like, "Me? I'm no control freak." "Mom, you don't trust me to push the cart at the grocery store." Huh, I guess I need to reconsider how I think about myself.
Here's a random picture of my fabric bins that I finished labeling. I'm SO happy I did this. It's so much easier to just grab what I need. Especially since I've been doing so many scrappy quilts. The handled bins at the bottom contain my WIPs. The folded quilt tops next to the WIPs are all my awesome quilt tops that are patiently awaiting quilting. They may have to wait forever. I've got the binding fabrics stored with them and in some cases, I've even got the backer. Oh yeah, I also organized my pattern binders with dividers. I've got it all arranged by pieced, applique, kids, seasonal... that took a day. 
This Sweet Lil Thing is going to be a baby for Rich's brother. They're having a little girl in April. I'm hoping to get it done in the next 2 weeks before I head back to work full-time. Scrappy quilts take SO MUCH longer to cut. This thing took an entire day to cut. Finding the fabrics, cutting the tiny pieces. Jees. I think it'll be adorable. I am NOT doing prairie points. Just putting that out there.
I finished Rich's niece's graduation quilt top last week. I fixed those 2 pesky messed up blocks and added some borders. I think it turned out pretty cute. I think I'll be able to do the quilting by myself. I tried to free motion quilt Hunter's graduation quilt this week. I was going like gang busters for one row. The second row skipped tons of stitches. It sucks. That was one of the things I really wanted done before I went back to work. He graduated a year and a half ago. I think I'm going to have to admit I can't do all that stuff myself with what I've got. Damn. I read a quote the other day that said they gave themselves permission to suck. How freeing that must be.
On Sunday, I had fun with some friends at a Super Bowl Mystery. We got small clues throughout the day telling us what step to take next. It started with a jelly roll and a yard of fabric. I love my fabrics. It's always difficult to go on faith when you don't know what it's going to look like in the end. There's that control freak coming out again. Damn. Now it's in the quilt someday pile.
This project has been a lot of fun! I'm following Little Miss Shabby's blog. Once a week she is posting a cute little cross stitch pattern of a quilt blog that measure about 2". I love it! These are the first 2 weeks. I was super excited this Monday when she posted the newest one. It's eventually going to be a square of quilt squares. Cute, cute, cute.
1 comment:
I love, love, love your dragonfly fabric for the Round Robin background.
Your organized stash will surely be worth its weight in gold each month when you get your Round Robin project each month. GOOD JOB!
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