I tell you, if I were intelligent, I'd be dangerous! I forgot how to load photos to the blog with my iPad again. Jees! I suppose once I do it enough times, It'll be like, Bam!, done. Not today my dears, not today.
Early in the week I made a thread catcher for my secret pal at quilt guild. The secret pal program is really fun. I love getting presents. I also love giving them. Hopefully, she'll like this. When I started the cross-stitch quilt blocks, I started on a piece of cloth that was too small. So, I decided to cut it out and make a pin cushion from it. I'm considering selling this type of thing in my Etsy shop. I've got to tweak it so that it's my own pattern first. And, find the time.
The block is called Swoon by Camille R., she designs for Cotton Way with her mom. Very talented and uses all my favorite colors. She's Mormon, as are MANY of the designers that I follow. Interesting. I never would have guessed I'd have so much in common with Mormons. They like to stitch, have great recipes, quilt. It's weird. That makes me sound prejudiced but to tell the truth, I tend to be very disbelieving of the Mormon religion. And, I'm fairly open minded about those things. 
I had SO MANY plans to finish several projects while I was on layoff. None of them got done! I progressed a little on a few but never got the finish in. I only finished the new projects that I started. Projects I told myself I couldn't start until I finished the others. I've always been really bad at doing what I'm told. Rabbits Prefer Chocolate have borders prepped and ready to sew. This was going to be done. Nope. I'm super happy with the fabrics I chose for the borders. That was one of the problems, finding just the right border. I also had to convince myself to applique the borders. It's going to bore me to tears but I think in the end, it's the right thing to do.
We started the Round Robin from guild this month. What fun! I loved running around to see what everyone brought in. It's going to be really exciting to see what everyone does. My horrible math skills struck again. I only needed 4 four patch hourglass thingys. I ended up with 32...
So, I made lemonade out of my lemons. Not sure what's going to happen to it from here, but it'll be cute. I love these colors. I may applique some sea creatures on it. The block below reminded me that I have some Ryan McKenna patterns that need to be used.
The first block I got to work on was this little water scene. I had to add at least 4 four patch blocks. I think it turned out really cute. The picture doesn't do the colors justice. My teal blends better with her blue than the picture would lead you to believe. I am wondering why I put pink in the diamonds instead of yellow or red to match her fish. I suppose I just wasn't feeling it at the time. The next person can highlight those colors. Hope she likes it. She's got an art quilt feeling going on with her fuzzy string jelly fish and the seaweed is organza. I'm dying to know what's happening to my sunflowers!
Alas, I'm officially out of slacker time. I need to do laundry, cook dinner and get ready for work tomorrow. Boo hoo, sad face. It's been awesome. I'm totally not ready to return to reality but you gotta do what you gotta do. I repeatedly offered to quit so that I could stay home and take care of my family's needs. Rich declined my generous offer and assured me that my meager pay check is still needed. Damn!
1 comment:
I love the creativity in your 4-patch blocks for the Round Robin. Here I was stuck in my paradigm with the usual. Blah!
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