And, let's not dwell on how long it just took me to figure out how to upload a photo onto the blog with my new iPad. That would just depress me further.
I finally finished my buttons. I don't like them at all. But, they're done. If you can't quite make them out, the blue one is strawberries, the green one is lilacs and the salmon one is roses. I just have to come to terms with the fact that I can't paint well and be done with it. I only put them on the wall because it took me 5 weeks to finish them and I'm stubborn. The colors don't go well with my curtains or wall color. I'm trying to get up the courage to tell Rich I want him to paint the walls in my sewing "room", it needs a little redecorating. 10 years is a lifetime for me in paint color terms. I've had the tiny mirrors for years. Those, I like...

Rich bought an iPad for me for "Valentine's Day". Everybody wants to know what I did to get that kind of Valentine's gift. Let me explain. My laptop was all but dead and Rich only wants Mac products from now on. At Christmas, I did the 12 Days of Christmas for him and he really appreciated the attention. So, he's decided I get a gift every month of the year in 2014. So far, I'm a big fan. I don't get to request anything. It's all going to be stuff he thinks I need, not necessarily what I want. January was a big, fluffy robe. I haven't used a robe in 15 years, didn't want a robe but I love my new robe. Valentine's Day and February got combined with the iPad. I'm thinking March will be a candy bar or a Mt. Dew. Either way, I'm loving it. I'm loving him. I don't exaggerate when I say that man has kept me from coming apart at the seams for 21 years.
I had to make this pretty cover for it. My next version is going to have hard sides so that I can use it as a prop stand as well.
Then, I decided to open an Etsy shop to sell my stuff. Then, I had a craptastic week and am totally rethinking the whole Etsy idea. I haven't posted anything for sale yet but it's called Heather's Fabric Garden. My big plan was to eventually have my own online fabric store. I had big plans. I did the research to start a real business. I know, it seemed like such a great idea last week. Now, I feel like there is no possible way I could keep that kind of commitment going. So, I continue to ponder.

Geez, Heather, you make my week with a headcold (a nose-blowing marathon) sound like a week at the spa!
Oy, Heather, that stubbornness must be genetic. I only wish your creativity was! Hang in there--the kids will come through it.
In spite of your craptastic week, I love the progress on your baby quilt!
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