Bethany: "Because you're crazy. Crazy people do these things, Mom. Crazy People."
I guess that explains a lot.
I've been on a canning kick lately. It's because of my Kitchen Ninja. It can do anything. First, my co-worker brought in apples from her tree. So, I made Apple Butter. It turned out great, everyone loved it.
Then strawberries were on sale at Aldi for $1 a carton. So, I made Strawberry Jam. It turned out great, everyone loved it.
So I decided to do salsa! My Ninja can chop those tomatoes and chilies, no problem. What a total pain in my butt! It was good though, everyone loved it.
I spent one entire day un-quilting a quilt. My Pride and Prejudice quilt had an afro on the bottom. I've been meaning to undo it for months now and I finally got to it. Thank goodness I had a lot of tv to catch up on. I watched Copper, Hell on Wheels, Lost Girl, Dr. Who, Water For Elephants, Gross Pointe Blank (love it), and Chicago...
The girls and I spent the day at the Mills Mall today. It was my first time there and I really liked it. The girls got their Homecoming dresses.
I re-did this necklace. I didn't like the first version (without ribbon) of mine and fell in love with this version.
I won these items on the French General blog! Very exciting. It's mostly scrapbooking stuff and I have no idea what to do with it but they were free:)
And, because I'm a indeed crazy, I started an infinity scarf for Bethany.
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