Survive another school year...Check
Prom Season over...Check
Quilt show is done...Check
In between, I finished some projects and started some more. It's crazy but I can't help myself. The vase with flowers is the center medallion for a quilt that I started for myself. That's right, myself.
Before school got out, Sierra wanted to dye her hair teal. I thought it was cute. It's been about a month and she wants to change to lavender now. We started stripping the teal out and as of today it's a minty green. I'm calling it an artistic experiment.
I got the daisy block done. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it. FYI, don't use kleenex to transfer embroidery patterns to your projects. It took me forever and a day with a tweezer to pick out little bits of kleenex from the Mason Jar part. Bleh.
Now, these looked really good, but were terrible. They were pink lemonade cupcakes. Sounded good, wasn't. I'm still on the search for a better recipe.
Finished my menu board. It's working pretty well. I just have to remember to write on it...
My in-laws came to see Bethany's recital. It was great to see them and Bethany did great. She just joined the competition team...
My rose bush bloomed. Yeah.
My TAS group is doing a Funky Fat Quarter Challenge. We exchanged background fabrics that we wouldn't normally use as background. So, I decided to do this. I also used it as my "Sit and Sew" at our guild's quilt show. I'm going to do a little more embellishment once I quilt it.
I also finished the tree quilt top. I don't have a picture because it's upstairs, I'm down stairs and I don't want to do the in between stuff. Yep, I'm lazy. It'll be a good thing to show in my next post.
And, I only have 18 more states to finish in my state flowers quilt. Another 2 years, and I should be done!
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