I finished the gingham baby blanket from a few weeks ago. I think it turned out cute but I don't think I'll make any more that I have to piece together. It takes too long. I finished this while watching Cowboys and Aliens. Great movie.
Sierra made pumpernickel bread for a fermentation party at school. It turned out so good! I was a excellent mother and only nibbled when I sliced it for her. I was seriously tempted to eat half of it. Yum.
Bethany made more Oreo Truffles, this time for her friend's birthday. This time she made them with melted chocolate chips instead of CandyQuick. So much better with real chocolate. She had kids offering her big money at school for them. Yum.

I made this little table topper 2 years ago during a guild Super Bowl Mystery group. It's a giant version of my favorite quilt block, the Storm At Sea. It's been a UFO waiting patiently for binding but I never took it with me to the store to pick the right color. So, I finally decided to use what I had and get it done. Sometimes done is better than perfect.
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