And, a bib and giant headband for the infant (freshman) Sierra. The headband was the idea of my friend Judy Tyler. I thought it was brilliant. The bib instructions comes with a suit and tie, superman, witch, and elf. I chose the ballerina. I can't wait to make one of each. I just need to get my hands on some babies in need of bibbing.
What I want to know is where were these tutu, bow and bib making skills 15 years ago when I really could have used them!
Then there was duo day. Sierra was America, her partner was Canada. It's all about some obscure internet comic. Apparently, she's fairly authentic to character. Her skirt was originally down to her ankles. So, I cut it in half, put a waistband in the bottom and re-hemmed the top. Tada, 2 skirts for the clearance price of $6. Bethany was Catwoman, to her boyfriend's Batman.
Let me tell you the tail of the barefoot sandals. I made Bethany a pair to take to Florida with her when she went with her friend Kristen. Carol, Kyle's mom (batman from above) loved them and asked if she would make some for Carol's friend's beach wedding. In payment, Carol would take the kids to Six Flags for the day. Bethany was all about it. This is in July. The wedding is in October.
Well, Six Flags turned into an all expense paid trip to Florida with Kyle's family. One pair of barefoot sandals turns into 3 pairs.
They bought beads and sent a photo of what the bride liked and said do what you think best...Well, we all know how that turns out. My first prototype took 2 hours. The bride hated it. Returned it all stretched out of shape and with a diagram of how she wants them made. Not to mention, I used my Godzilla size 9 foot for sizing and the bride has little princess size 6 feet which I didn't know about. I make 2 really beautiful bead clusters to jazz up the Bride's set, 1 hour each. Second prototype of bridesmaid's only takes 1 hour. Bride likes it but wants it 1 bead larger and wants all sets exactly the same. No special pearl and swarz. crystal cluster for the bride. WTH! And no, I'm not undoing it to make it 1 bead longer. I do have a life. So, I procrastinate because now I'm annoyed. Finally, this last Friday, I make the other 5. The other 2 sets are 1 bead longer. Each takes an hour to make. So, we're talking 10-12 hours of my free time here. Not that I'm counting.
I run into Carol at the Homecoming game on Friday because the kids were voted onto the court. We needed to take pictures at half-time. So, I tell her I have the things done and she's like "Oh, Bethany was supposed to make those." Right, did she really think it would be Bethany? So, Bethany takes them over to their house tonight. And, I'm super happy to get rid of them at this point. Guess what comes home with her. Oh yeah, they need one more set. What?!
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