Monday, August 20, 2012

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

This pie mixture was so delicious, it's a miracle anything actually got in the pie.  I actually made my own crust for this one.  I'm usually much too lazy and use a pre-made crust.  I had forgotten how much better homemade crust was.  Yum.  Next time, I want to get lard to use, to see if I don't have an allergic reaction.  Shortening is made out of  soybean oil which is a big no no for me. 
Sierra's Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting and a chocolate dipped banana chip
Sorry. no recipe.  Not sure where Sierra got them but everyone was in love with this frosting.

 Brace yourself, this stuff is really exciting.  I went through a cleaning bender a few weeks ago.  We can all blame Pinterest for this non-sense.  I didn't get any before pics, which is for the best really.  Just imagine 8 years of six people throwing things in the general direction of where it actually belongs.  The good stuff, the bad stuff, everything.
 I also decided to make a bunch of homemade cleaning solutions.  Front left is my own dish detergent.  Tragically, I ignored her warnings and didn't let it air out first and it turned rock hard.  But, it does work nicely once you chip away some powder.  I also started using vinegar as a rinse agent, which is awesome.
 My own laundry detergent.  Works SO GOOD!  The basket is for delicate washing.  Bethany hand washes half her stuff and she was just piling that all up on top.  Total disaster.  Oh, and I made room refresher.  Oh, yeah.  I also made a face wash for Bethany that gave her a rash all over her face for the first week of school.  You're welcome Sweetie...

This one isn't finished.  I ran out of basket $ when back to school started going down.  Baskets are surprisingly, expensive when you buy them by the bunches... Eventually, I'll have baskets for the sheets too.
 These two had to have so much thrown out it was crazy.  You know how you save things thinking you'll need it some day.  Ridiculous.

I put all my shoes on hooks because Rich was having a heart attack about them laying around everywhere.  Side benefit, please notice all the room I made for more shoes.

Like I said, exciting.

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