I have to admit that I've really loved having a 4 day weekend. There wasn't anywhere for me to taxi the kids to, no holiday to prepare for, just a few days to decompress. Very nice. However, the New Year didn't start as stress free as I would have liked. All the crazy things that were happening on the 1st, (flood in the basement, migraine, Ram's sucking, treadmill broke, car steering going bonkers again), ended up to be non-problems in the long run. Well, except for Rich having a massive reaction to the cat dander in our treadmill when he tried to take it apart to fix it. His skin was crawling and his eyes were swelling. Then he started getting this weird droopy eye thing going. By the way, the treadmill still only goes 1 or 7. If I'm going to look on the bright side of things, I can just be grateful for a free excuse not to work out.

In my last blog, I left out a few things I had done in Nov. The cupcake is from an office baby shower just before Thanksgiving. I thought they were super cute:)
The quilt is something I made for my niece-in-law in Chicago. She had a friend that loves Eeyore and needed a birthday gift. I turned the Y into Eeyore's tail. I thought it was a stroke of genius, personally. I hope they liked it as much as I did.
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to move pictures around on this blog so that they look decent. This is my Twisted Mystery 2011. I started it last January and we were supposed to meet once a month to make this quilt. For one reason or another, it seemed like I never got to meet with them or work on the quilt. I spent several hours finishing the star blocks below the other day.

I wanted so badly to finish this whole thing. What can I say, I'm a finisher. It was like torture for me to sit and work on it. It's just so repetitive. So I decided to cut myself some slack and stopped for awhile. I've still got the Flippin' Flowers and Mist something or another blocks before I can stop.

Above is my latest Quilt of Valor. All that is left is to have it quilted, bound and labeled. This took me about 3 or 4 months. Again, repetitive. Couldn't handle it for long periods.
Then, just because I could, I started my spool quilt. A few months ago, my guild had a fabric strip exchange. I put them to use yesterday & made the spools. There are about 42, I think. Each stack has about 6 of the same colored spools. Now that they're done, I wish I'd had more of the jewel tones. The green and turquoise are super cool.
And, that is all she wrote. Happy New Year!
Wow - you sure have gotten a lot done lately! I am totally with you on the repetition thing - I think that's why I love applique! I stopped doing the Twisted Mystery patterns after about the second year - they are huge time eaters and always have loads of repetition - I think the last one I did involved over 600 HSTs in one of the first steps! Great work on the spools - I love them! I haven't even started mine yet...
You go, girlie! Wish we could have talked more yesterday, but you remember sale days at Sweet Annies and can understand, I'm sure. Anyway, I wish I could see that Eeyore quilt up close .. it looks super cute! And your MQ2011 looks like it'll be a winner. Keep up the good work!!!
If I could focus on one thing for really long periods of time, I wouldn't have stacks and piles of unfinished projects. I am a starter and less so a finisher because I get bored EASILY. You are my hero because you stick to it and finish things up all of the time! Looks like your new year will be as filled with wonderful finished projects at last year!
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