Ethan had me make a scarf for him, too. Okay, I'll be honest. I forced it on him. I asked him if he wanted one and he agreed only if I made it the color of his favorite anime character. So, blue and purple it was. Even though, that wasn't my favorite color combo.
I love this picture of him. Not only is he clearly annoyed with me, but the flowers on the wall behind him makes his hair look funny:)
Notice how tall he is. He will be 12 on Dec 18 and he's almost as tall as me. He's growing so quickly that his bones ache almost constantly. Poor guy. I hope it stops soon for him.
I've been working steadily on Bee In My Bonnet's Row Along. This is really turning out so cute! We started with the checkerboard and I can never turn down a checkerboard. These are some seriously small pieces but she has a great tutorial on how to get them together quickly.
I have also been quilting my Spool Quilt for the past 2 days. Things aren't going so well. I got the main portion done yesterday and tried to work on the border this morning. So get this, yesterday, my tension had to be set at 9 in order to get an even stitch. Today, it was 1. I don't get it. Then, my thread kept breaking or it would jump and jumble up on the needle.
Naturally, my first inclination was to torch it. But, I like it. So, I'm going to buy some different needles and try again later. I don't have trouble when I do a sample cotton/ cotton sandwich. The problem seems to be that it's a batik/ cotton sandwich quilt. I'm out of sharp needles and only have universal. I'm hoping new needles will solve my problems.
And, that is what I've done with my day. Now to make Biscuits & Gravy for dinner. Then, I need to catch up to Rich on the Boardwalk Empire dvds. That's his new favorite show and it's killing him that I don't know what he's talking about!