These are my Girl Scout blocks. I was volun-told to come up with the blocks that are to represent our Service Unit in the quilts that are being made for the Girl Scout Birthday. Personally, I'm embarrassed. I was at a total loss and under a bunch of stress when I made them. Several years ago my troop made quilt blocks for me for Leader's Appreciation. I took the blocks from that project and used them as the appliques for these blocks. After all, it was supposed to be the girls doing this.

Naturally I felt the need to blog about something I'm embarrassed of.
This one with the tree was drawn by my daughter Bethany. I think these are from 2005.
Christmas Cookies |
All month I felt like I wasn't doing anything creative and feeling bad about it. Then I realized that I'd been baking every night after work. So I've decided making Christmas cookies was creative. I sent trays to Rich's work and sent them to my own as well this year. Then I sent some to my brother Luke & my step-father Jim & Ethan's teacher, too. Not to mention the hundreds that were eaten by the kids. And there were the 2 batches of fudge and 1 batch of butter toffee. YUM.
I did manage to finish Rich's Christmas stocking. I worked on it at all of my breaks while I was at work. I made the old one (above) 19 years ago. I messed up on the sequin placement of Santa's white stuff and the train grill. Then, my room mate at the time stuck her finger in his name before it had dried... The funny thing is that the paint bottle burped when I was writing his name on his new stocking and it messed up in the exact letter as before. He just can't win:)
These are the last of my Civil War blocks. Well, except for the one that is going to be posted on New Year's Eve. I'm so excited that I was able to catch up on Saturday. I was able to work on them for about 6 hours. I even think most of them even turned out the right size. Now to decide how to use them. It just occurred to me that if I set them the way I want to, I'll end up with a 200 something square inch quilt. I suppose that means I'll have 2 queen sized quilts in the end.
This is the carnage left behind. I'm not cleaning it up until I've got the setting done. I think that is going to be just as scrappy as the blocks themselves.
Last but certainly not least, my snowflake. We made these at my last TAS meeting. During my Harry Potter marathon this weekend, I finished the applique and beaded it. It took 2 1/2 Harry Potter movies to finish the beading that surrounds the snowflake and borders the binding. The last applique Civil War block took another 1 1/4 movies. I'm currently watching Half Blood Prince. Then I'll have to rent the last 2 to complete the greatness of my weekend. I guess I'll work on those State blocks while Harry saves the world. Holy crap, they're about to kill Dumbledore. This always makes me cry.
Happy Holidays everyone!