Last week I made this Elenore Burns table runner. My intentions were to make one for me and one for my Mother-In-Law. The second one didn't get made and it turns out that she wants the leaf version anyhow. Perhaps she'll get one for Christmas.
I made this bag a few weeks ago and forgot to take a picture. I don't like it and the button is all wrong.
I only got to 3 Civil War blocks this week. That's better than none.
This is the beginning of an Eeyore quilt that my Niece-In-Law needs, stat. There will be a thick border on top with the little girl's name appliqued & 2 thinner borders down the sides with thick rick-rack. I'm liking it so far. I hope to get it done by next weekend.
Last but not least, I started this super cute pin cushion last Saturday at my TAS meeting. I probably should have taken a closer picture so that you can see better detail. And for those who were wondering, the top was finished last weekend but I sewed it together this weekend:)
Now to get caught up on my Girl Scout junk! Hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty great!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I Guess It's Been Awhile
So, life has been pretty crazy lately. But, honestly, when isn't it? I was offered a position at Jim's Formal Wear just as I was getting used to my other new job at the middle school. Rich is still in training at his new job that he started back in August. Hunter became a Marine Recruit, against his mother's wishes. The kids had Homecoming. We had Halloween. Which, by the way, I have no photos of. I took pictures. When I went to add them to my computer the next day, they were no longer on my camera:( Bummer, the kids looked great, too! And, believe it or not, I did manage to sew a few stitches in the month or so since my last blog.
Well, it doesn't show very well in the photo but, this (above) is a kid upside down in a pile of leaves. You can see his jeans popping out & he has white tennis shoes on. I made him to put up in my cubicle at work. It's only about 12x13".
Today I started back on my Civil War Block of the Week. I was getting a little nervous because the year is almost over & I was only on week 33. Now I'm only 10 weeks behind. I think if I do 4 a week, I'll be caught up in no time. I would have done more but week 37 looked really complicated & I thought it would be better to start fresh on it. My Indiana Puzzle is about 1 inch too small, so, I'll be revisiting that particular one again later.
I finished Bunny Hill's last, free block of the month, "Henrietta Squirrel". It's invisible, machine applique with hand embroidery. By finis
I also quilted my Pride & Prejudice quilt. It turned out awful! It's stitched in the ditch and at every intersection the bottom stitches loop like crazy! Now I have to rip out the whole queen sized quilt and try it again. This time I'll just do a random all over pattern that will avoid all the intersections.
I did a little on my State Flowers quilt but didn't take any pictures. It's kinda funny. Yesterday, at Frieden's Quilt Show, I saw a finished one on display. I so badly wanted to unfold it and see what they did for South Carolina. I almost quit doing my quilt because I hate how South Carolina turned out! Sadly, it was in the fold and I didn't get to see it. My theory is that they hated theirs too, and were hiding it:)
Any hoo... I really want to make a second batch of granola. Yesterday's was terrible because I used cheap oats. I'm going to try again before it gets too late. Happy Stitching!
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